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Lillian's completed ASES Accreditation in 2021 AND 2024 receiving 100% in the audit with only few recommended changes implemented.  


The Australian Service Excellence Standards (ASES), is a is a step-by-step program specifically designed to develop the capacity of community organisations to strive towards continuous improvement in quality service delivery.

The NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) will require all NSW Specialist Homelessness Services (SHS) to become accredited by 30 June 2024.

The Australian Service Excellence Standards (ASES) aims to help organisations improve business practices and client services. It does this through:

  • a set of community service standards, and

  • a program of support.

ASES helps organisations identify a pathway to accreditation and the building blocks they need on specific topics.

Accreditation benefits consumers, staff, board members, managers and funding bodies.



The ASES Certificate level covers all corporate functions and services.

At this level, organisations are:

  • operating confidently and efficiently

  • actively applying sound management principles

  • managing their risks, and

  • meeting legislative, industry and government guidelines.

Organisations are confident that:

  • they have effective communication

  • their people are working in a safe and healthy environment where diversity and inclusion are celebrated

  • strong partnerships are fostered, and

  • consumer confidence exhibited in service provision.

With effective implementation of the standards, consumers outcomes are clearly improved. Consumers play an integral role in the development and in the planning of services. Independence is fostered by providing opportunities for feedback, linked to continual improvement of services and operating systems.

Lillian's acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land, the Cadigal and Wongal people of the Eora Nation on whose land we reside. We pay respect to the Elders of the past and present, and recognise that sovereignty has never been ceded.


Lillian's is an ACNC registered charity. All donations are tax deductable. You will be provided with a tax receipt upon completion of the donation.

Your donation will be used to fund vital programs and activities for young women in need. Thank you for your kind contribution.

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